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[Solved]: How is this problem related to the study of algorithms and big O notation?

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I'm taking a graduate computer science course on algorithms and analysis. The current subject is big O notation and recursion. How is the following problem related to the study of algorithms, recursion, and big O notation? I know and understand the solution to the problem, but I just don't see how this is relevant to the subject matter.

Given an $x$, show that $x^{62}$ can be computed with only eight multiplications (A general algorithm can not accomplish it).

Asked By : Elliott

Answered By : Yuval Filmus

You need to be more patient. This problem is hinting at the repeated squaring algorithm for powering. The more general question is: How long does it take to compute $x^n$? Naively, you might think that it takes $n$ multiplications, but the repeated squaring algorithm can do it using $O(\log n)$ multiplications.

Repeated squaring is very important for cryptographic applications. Many cryptographic algorithms rely on computing modular powers: $x^p \pmod{n}$, where in general $p$ and $n$ could be very large (say roughly $2^{1024}$). It makes a huge difference whether you do it in $O(p)$ or in $O(\log p)$ time.

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