I have this question:
$L = \{\langle M \rangle | M$ is TM that accepts every palindrome over its alphabet $\}$
Proof that $L$ is not Turing-recognizable by showing reduction from other non Turing-recognizable language.
What I have tried to do is to show reduction from $A_{TM}$ (Accept problem) to $\bar L$, and I didn't succeed to show one. I tried to create a new machine that will reject some palindrome(s) if $M$ accepted $w$ when $\langle M,w\rangle$ is the input of $A_{TM}$. But if $M$ will not halt on $w$, then the palindrome(s) will reject also by mistake.
So how can I show reduction from $A_{TM}$ to $\bar L$ (or $\bar {A_{TM}}$ to $L$)?
Asked By : user1745470
Answered By : Rick Decker
Here's a reduction $\overline{A_{TM}}\le L$. Define the mapping from $(\langle\:M\:\rangle,w)\rightarrow \langle\:N\:\rangle$ where
N(x) = if x is a palindrome run M on w for |x| moves if M hasn't accepted yet accept
- If $(\langle\:M\:\rangle,w)\in\overline{A_{TM}}$, then $M$ will never accept $w$ and so $N$ will accept all palindromes, so $\langle\:N\:\rangle\in L$.
- If $(\langle\:M\:\rangle,w)\notin\overline{A_{TM}}$, then $M$ will accept $w$ in some number, $m$ of moves, so $N$ will accept all and only those palindromes of length $<m$, so $\langle\:N\:\rangle\notin L$.
Finally, we conclude that $(\langle\:M\:\rangle,w)\in\overline{A_{TM}}$ if and only if $\langle\:N\:\rangle\in L$ and since $\overline{A_{TM}}$ is unrecognizable, then so must $L$ be.
To be fair, this is almost exactly Denis' argument, just specified for the reduction you required. It's a useful idiom that can be used to show that many languages are unrecognizable.
Best Answer from StackOverflow
Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/52329
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