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[Solved]: Arbitrary precision integer square root algorithm?

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Are there any known subquadratic algorithms for calculating the floor of the square root of an n bit integer?

The naive algorithm would be something like

def sqrt(x):     r = 0     i = x.bit_length() // 2     while i >= 0:         inc = (r << (i+1)) + (1 << (i*2))         if inc <= x:             x -= inc             r += 1 << i         i -= 1     return r 

This takes O(n) iterations, each one involving additions that are O(n) time, so it's O(n^2) time overall. Is there anything faster? I know that for the case of multiplication there are special algorithms that do better than quadratic time, but I can't find anything for square roots.

Asked By : Antimony

Answered By : D.W.

You can use Newton's method or any of a number of other methods for finding approximations to roots of the polynomial $p(x) = x^2 -c$.

The rate of convergence for Newton's method will be quadratic, which means that the number of bits that are correct doubles in each iteration. This means $O(\lg n)$ iterations of Newton's method suffice.

Each iteration of Newton's method computes

$$x_{j+1} = x_j - (x_j^2 -c)/(2x_j) = 0.5 x_j + \frac{c}{2x_j}.$$

The bit complexity of multiplication is $\stackrel{~}{O}(b \lg b)$, to multiply two $b$-bit integers (ignoring $\lg \lg b$ factors). The bit complexity for division (to $b$ bits of precision) is the same. Therefore, each iteration can be computed in $\stackrel{~}{O}(n \lg n)$ operations. Multiplying by $O(\lg n)$ iterations, we find that the overall running time to compute the square root to $n$ bits of precision is $\stackrel{~}{O}(n (\lg n)^2)$. This is sub-quadratic.

I think a more careful analysis shows that this can be improved to $\stackrel{~}{O}(n \lg n)$ running time (by taking into account that we only need to know each $x_j$ to within about $j$ bits of precision, rather than $n$ bits of precision). However, even the more basic analysis already shows a running time that is clearly subquadratic.

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