Suppose I have a set of 2-SAT instances, the set is of size $2^{3C}$ for some constant $C$. What is the time complexity of solving all instances using the fastest known 2-SAT solver?
Asked By : chibro2
Answered By : hengxin
Although 3SAT problem is NP-complete, there is a polynomial algorithm making use of the beautiful SCC (Strongly Connected Component) directed graph algorithm.
Suppose there are $n$ variables and $m$ clauses in the 2SAT instance $\mathcal{I}$. The parameters $n$ and $m$ represent the size of $\mathcal{I}$
The 2-SAT instance is modeled by a directed graph $\mathcal{G_I}$, with
- $2n$ vertices: for each variable $x$ in $\mathcal{I}$, there are two vertices $v_x$ and $v_{\bar{x}}$ (i.e., variable and its negation).
- $2m$ edges: for each clause $x \lor y$, there are two directed edges $\bar{x} \to y$ and $\bar{y} \to x$. Note that the latter two implicative forms are equivalent to $x \lor y$.
The polynomial algorithm (it is actually a linear algorithm) proceeds as follows:
- Obtain the SCCs of $\mathcal{G_{I}}$ in linear time $O(n + m)$;
- Assign
to each literal (Notice: not the variable) in the destination SCC (denoted $SCC_d$); - Delete $SCC_d$ and its corresponding source SCC ($SCC_s$). (Note the symmetry in the graph $\mathcal{G_{I}}$);
- Repeat (2) and (3) until $\mathcal{G_{I}}$ is empty.
For example:
$\mathcal{I} = (x_1 \lor x_2) \land (\bar{x_2} \lor x_3) \land (\bar{x_1} \lor \bar{x_2}) \land (x_3 \lor x_4) \land (\bar{x_3} \lor x_5) \land (\bar{x_4} \lor \bar{x_5}) \land (\bar{x_3} \lor x_4)$
The graph $\mathcal{G_{I}}$ is:
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