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[Solved]: Quantum computing roadmap

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I have to create a roadmap for the quantum computing technology. Looking around I found the timeline on wikipedia that is pretty wide but does not highlight the key events in quantum computing research neither sets the possible future for research.

Could somebody help me to define which are key events in the quantum computing fields? When (and why) we started to explore this technology, for which milestones we passed through and (maybe) what we can set as future milestones?

Asked By : Ste

Answered By : vzn

This Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmapping Project is a very detailed roadmap prepared under ARDA (Advanced Research and Development Activity) around ~2004 with further refinements. Here is the introduction/overview. It had a panel of about 19 elite academic scientists/experts.

For a completely contrasting recent overview/review on progress to date/future prospects see this [controversial] paper State of the Art and Prospects for Quantum Computing, M. I. Dyakonov (2012).

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