I am doing research on control flow analysis on aspect oriented programs and I found in some papers an interprocedural approach for doing control flow analysis on others call graph or control flow graph. Is there a real difference between control flow graphs and interprocedural control flow graphs?
Asked By : user1125516
Answered By : Ravindra Bagale
view of a program makes use of call graph as a representation of the calling relationships between subroutines in a program. In a call graph, an edge between two nodes f and g:
f --> g
represents the fact that subroutine f calls subroutine g.
A control flow graph (CFG) provides finer "details" into the structure of the program as a whole, and of the subroutines in particular. For instance, the CFG of a subroutine f will make explicit all of the paths that are induced by a conditional branch:
/ branch1 \ begin --> condition --> --> codeblock --> g --> end \ branch2 /
This kind of CFG is used to build an intra-procedural
view of a subroutine.
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Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/7054
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