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[Solved]: Key secrecy vs Algorithm secrecy

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Problem Detail: 

it's a well known statement that

"Cryptographic security must rely on a secret key instead of a secret algorithm."

I would like to ask about some details about it. And which are their differences?

I see the obvious thing that for a multi user system, generating a key is overwhelmingly easier than generating a distinct alghorithm for every user pair, (and even for a single pair of users one could argue that updating the key is easier)

But, Is it the only argument?

I mean, if we define

AlgorithmA = AlgorithmX + key A AlgorithmB = AlgorithmX + key B 

Then a change on the key is not different from a change in the algorithm.

The only different I see is that for a new pair of users/keys

  • Most of the Algorithm structure remains constant in the case of secret key,

  • Most of Algorithm structure need to change in the case of secret Algorithm

But where is the limit? "most of" meaning?

I would like to have more views and clues to understand why this distinction is usually mentioned.

Asked By : Hernan_eche

Answered By : Mike Samuel

Problem Definition

The goal of cryptography is to approximate a process whereby


conveys no information about x but there exists a function decrypt such that

decrypt(crypt(x)) == x 

If decrypt and crypt were only done in the same run of the same program, you could implement this perfectly using hidden state:

var map = {};  // A hidden hashmap.  function crypt(x) {   var k = unique_unforgeable_value();   map[k] = x;   return k; }  function decrypt(k) { return map[k]; } 

In practice though, crypt and decrypt are called by different programs or different runs of the same program, so we need to approximate crypt using a deterministic function whose output is indistinguishable from random bits -- it has to be incompressible (in the Shannon coding sense) so there are no extra structure bits that can be used to glean information about x.

Algorithms are highly structured therefore compressible. So what we need is a way to get apparent randomness while retaining the determinism that is required for $decrypt \circ crypt = identity$.


By currying a simple compressible algorithm with an incompressible secret

crypt = crypt_algo(secret) decrypt = decrypt_algo(secret) 

we can approximate the goal above. crypt and decrypt have high information content due to the high information content of secret even though crypt_algo and decrypt_algo have low information content.

secret needs to be kept from attackers for this to work since otherwise an attacker could simply do the currying above. The algorithm does not need to be kept secret since it only provides a small portion of the information content of the curried function.


"Cryptographic security must rely on a secret key instead of a secret algorithm."

I disagree with the instead of part.

You might get some measure of defense-in-depth by keeping both secret, but testing crypt_algo is hard, so historically, secret algorithms developed in-house by amateurs have fared worse when subjected to attack than those which have been carefully reviewed by large numbers of professional cryptographers. This is why security by obscurity has gotten a deservedly bad name. The "obscurity" there refers to attempts to keep the algorithm secret as a substitute for properly protecting keys.

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