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[Solved]: How does Grover's Quantum Sorting avoid reading the list?

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It is well known now that Grover's quantum algorithm can SORT a database of $N$ entries in $O(\sqrt{N})$ time. How can an algorithm work without reading through the list of entries which needs $O(N)$ operation. How does Grover's algorithm avoid reading the list? Is there a special representation that can be used classically as well? I understand any such representation will not help the classical case. However I am curious to understand how Grover avoids reading the list?

Asked By : Turbo

Answered By : Yuval Filmus

The list (or database) is given implicitly by an "oracle" function, which is called $\Theta(\sqrt{N})$ times throughout the algorithm. Suppose for example you're looking for a divisor of some number $N$. Then the function could map $k \leq \sqrt{N}$ to true if $k$ is a non-trivial divisor of $N$, and false otherwise. Grover's algorithm will then find a non-trivial divisor of $N$ in time $\tilde{O}(\sqrt[4]{N})$ instead of the usual $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{N})$ (note that better algorithms are available in this case, even for a classical computer).

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