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[Solved]: Does Reverse Polish Notation have an LL grammar?

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Problem Detail: 

Let L be the language of all arithmetic expressions written in Reverse Polish Notation, containing only binary operators. $\Sigma(L) = \{n, o\}$, n := number, o := operator.

Is there an LL grammar G so that L(G) = L?

Asked By : timdiels

Answered By : timdiels


$ G = (\{E,S,R\}, \{n,o\}, P, E)\text{, with productions}\\ E \rightarrow n\ |\ SR \\ S \rightarrow nEo \\ R \rightarrow EoR\ |\ \epsilon \\ $


  1. Observation $(*)$: Each word of L represents an arithmetic expression, the result of calculating such an expression is essentially again a number. So whenever we have $w \in L$, we can treat $w$ as a number.

  2. Theorems:

    1. $L(G) \subset L$
    2. $L(S) \subset L$
    3. $w \in L(R) \implies w=\epsilon \lor (w=w_1 o, w_1 \in L)$

    Inductive proof of above theorems on derivation step count $n$:

    1. Basis $n=1$

      1. $E \Rightarrow n\\ \land \\ n \in L $

      2. $S\text{ can't generate any words in one step. }\\ \land \\ \emptyset \subset L $

      3. $R \Rightarrow \epsilon, w=\epsilon$

    2. Basis $n=2$

      In all 3 cases nothing can be generated in 2 steps, and the theorems hold trivially.

    3. Inductive step: $n=k>1,$ induction hypothesis (IH): assume theorems hold for $n<k$

      1. $E \Rightarrow SR \Rightarrow^{k-1} w_1 w_2\, \\ \text{where }w_1 \in L\text{ because of IH of theorem 2,} \\ \text{and } w_2 = \epsilon\text{ or }w_2 = w_3 o, w_3 \in L\text{ because of IH of theorem 3.}$

        1. First case: $w_2 = \epsilon$, then $w_1 w_2 = w_1 \in L$.
        2. Second case: $w_1 w_2 = w_1 w_3 o =^{(*)} nno$, which is a valid RPN expression, thus $w_1 w_3 o \in L$
      2. $S \Rightarrow nEo \Rightarrow^{k-1} nwo$, where $w \in L$ because of IH of theorem 1. $nwo =^{(*)} nno$, which is a valid RPN expression, and thus $n w o \in L$

      3. $R \Rightarrow EoR \Rightarrow^{k-2} w_1 o R$, where $w_1 \in L$ because of IH of theorem 1. The last step can only be $w_1 o R \Rightarrow w_1 o \epsilon$, which satisfies theorem 3.


  3. Theorem: $L \subset L(G)$

    Proof: induction on length of $w \in L$, show that $E \Rightarrow^* w$

    (I got lazy from this point on, I might fill this in later)


  4. $(1) \land (2) \implies L(G) = L$

  5. Theorem: G is LL(k) grammar, $k \in \mathbb{N}$

    Proof: Pick a k large enough, then show that for each non-terminal you can decide which production rule to use by looking at the k next terminals.



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