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[Solved]: Can partial sorting help with lookup cost in arrays?

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Looking something up in an unsorted list is a task with time complexity $O(n)$. However, if the list is sorted, the time complexity is $O(\log(n))$. That means it is sometimes worthwhile to sort an array. However, that is a trade-off as a sorting algorithm has a time complexity of $O(n\log(n))$.

As far as I know, you can not sort an array in less than $O(n\log(n))$ time. I am however wondering if there is any algorithm that can partially sort the array in less time than that? I am pretty sure you can not look up a value in such a partially sorted array in $O(\log(n))$ time, but can you do better than $O(n)$?

In short, is it possible to process an unsorted array with an algorithm faster than $O(n\log(n))$ such that a lookup algorithm can do a search faster than $O(n)$, though not as fast as $O(\log(n))$?

Asked By : Hohmannfan

Answered By : Yuval Filmus

If you run "balanced Quicksort" (using the exact median at every step) up to depth $k$ (at the cost of $O(n k)$), you get a partition of the original array into $2^k$ sorted parts of $n/2^k$ unsorted elements each. Given an element, we can locate the correct part in time $O(\log(2^k)) = O(k)$ using binary search, and then look it up using an additional $O(n/2^k)$, for a total complexity of $O(n/2^k + k)$.

If $k = o(\log n)$ then the partial sorting takes time $o(n\log n)$. If $k = \omega(1)$ then the lookup algorithm takes time $o(n)$. Thus if $1 \ll k \ll \log n$ we get $o(n\log n)$ preprocessing time and $o(n)$ lookup time. For example, if $k = \log\log n$ then preprocessing takes $O(n\log\log n)$ and lookup takes $O(n/\log n)$.

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