I'm a little stuck on this question, any help would be appreciated!
Given that the Hamiltonian Path (HP) and the Hamiltonian Circuit/Cycles (HC) problems are known to be NP-complete, show that HCE is NP-complete.
HCE: Given an undirected graph G and an edge e of G, does G have a Hamiltonian circuit/cycle that uses e?
I've tried to approach this by showing that HC $\leq$ HCE, but I'm wondering if my approach is too convoluted.
I think I have a solution. Consider a graph $G=(V,E)$ where $V$ is the set of vertices in $G$, and $E$ is the set of edges in $G$. Let $f(G)=G'=(V',E')$ where
\begin{alignat*}{1} V'= & V\cup\{v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}\},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}\notin V\\ E'= & E\cup\{(v_{\alpha},v_{\beta}),(v_{\beta},v_{\gamma})\}\cup\{\bigcup_{i\in\{\alpha,\gamma\},v\in V}(v,v_{i})\} \end{alignat*}
Let the edge $e=(v_{\alpha},v_{\beta})$.
$G'$is the graph $G$ with three additional vertices. $v_{\alpha}$ and $v_{\gamma}$ are connected to all the vertices in $G$ and $v_{\beta}$. $v_{\beta}$ has a degree of 2, and is only connected to $v_{\alpha}$and $v_{\gamma}$. $f$ can be computed in p-time.
Consider some $G$ that has a HP along vertices $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$. Then $G'$ will also have a path $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$ with each vertex only appearing once in the path. In order to turn this path into a HC, the three additional vertices will have to be included. In order to do so, the path has to be extended in either $v_{n},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma},v_{1}$ or $v_{n},v_{\gamma},v_{\beta},v_{\alpha},v_{1}$. $G'$ thus have a HC that will always include the edge $e$.
$\therefore$ G $\in$ HP $\implies$$f(G)=G'\in$ HCE
Consider some $G'$ with a HCE along some path $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma},v_{1}$. Since $G$ has vertices $V=V'\backslash{v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}}$, $G$ has a HP along vertices $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$.
$\therefore$ $G'\in$ HCE $\implies G\in$ HP
And thus $G\in$ HP iff $f(G)=G'\in$ HCE. Since $f$ can run in p-time, HP $\leq$ HCE.
$\therefore$ HCE is NP-complete.
Asked By : Lawliet
Answered By : Lawliet
I think I have a solution. Consider a graph $G=(V,E)$ where $V$ is the set of vertices in $G$, and $E$ is the set of edges in $G$. Let $f(G)=G'=(V',E')$ where
\begin{alignat*}{1} V'= & V\cup\{v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}\},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}\notin V\\ E'= & E\cup\{(v_{\alpha},v_{\beta}),(v_{\beta},v_{\gamma})\}\cup\{\bigcup_{i\in\{\alpha,\gamma\},v\in V}(v,v_{i})\} \end{alignat*}
Let the edge $e=(v_{\alpha},v_{\beta})$.
$G'$is the graph $G$ with three additional vertices. $v_{\alpha}$ and $v_{\gamma}$ are connected to all the vertices in $G$ and $v_{\beta}$. $v_{\beta}$ has a degree of 2, and is only connected to $v_{\alpha}$and $v_{\gamma}$. $f$ can be computed in p-time.
Consider some $G$ that has a HP along vertices $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$. Then $G'$ will also have a path $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$ with each vertex only appearing once in the path. In order to turn this path into a HC, the three additional vertices will have to be included. In order to do so, the path has to be extended in either $v_{n},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma},v_{1}$ or $v_{n},v_{\gamma},v_{\beta},v_{\alpha},v_{1}$. $G'$ thus have a HC that will always include the edge $e$.
$\therefore$ G $\in$ HP $\implies$$f(G)=G'\in$ HCE
Consider some $G'$ with a HCE along some path $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n},v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma},v_{1}$. Since $G$ has vertices $V=V'\backslash{v_{\alpha},v_{\beta},v_{\gamma}}$, $G$ has a HP along vertices $v_{1},v_{2},...,v_{n}$.
$\therefore$ $G'\in$ HCE $\implies G\in$ HP
And thus $G\in$ HP iff $f(G)=G'\in$ HCE. Since $f$ can run in p-time, HP $\leq$ HCE.
$\therefore$ HCE is NP-complete.
Best Answer from StackOverflow
Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/17999
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