For a binary tree we define horizontal distance as follows:
Horizontal distance(hd) of root = 0 If you go left then hd = hd(of its parent)-1, and if you go right then hd = hd(of its parent)+1.
The bottom view of a tree then consists of all the nodes of the tree, where there is no node with the same hd
and a greater level. (There may be multiple such nodes for a given value of hd
. In this case all of them belong to the bottom view.) I'm looking for an algorithm that outputs the bottom view of a tree.
Suppose the binary tree is:
1 / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 \ 8
Bottom view of the tree is: 4 2 5 6 8 7
Ok so for the first example, Horizontal distance of node with value 1: 0, level = 1 Horizontal distance of node with value 2: 0 - 1 = -1, level = 2 Horizontal distance of node with value 3: 0 + 1 = 1, level = 2 Horizontal distance of node with value 4: -1 - 1 = -2, level = 3 Horizontal distance of node with value 5: -1 + 1 = 0, level = 3 Horizontal distance of node with value 6: 1 - 1 = 0, level = 3 Horizontal distance of node with value 7: 1 + 1 = 2, level = 3 Horizontal distance of node with value 8: 0 + 1 = 1, level = 4 So for each vertical line that is for hd=0, print those nodes which appear in the last level of that line. So for hd = -2, print 4 for hd = -1, print 2 for hd = 0, print 5 and 6 because they both appear in the last level of that vertical line for hd = 1, print 8 for hd = 2, print 7
One more example for reference :
1 / \ 2 3 / \ / \ 4 5 6 7 / \ / \ / \ / \ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
So the output for this will be : 8 4 9 10 12 5 6 11 13 14 7 15
Similarly for this example hd of node with value 1: 0, , level = 1 hd of node with value 2: -1, level = 2 hd of node with value 3: 1, level = 2 hd of node with value 4: -2, level = 3 hd of node with value 5: 0, , level = 3 hd of node with value 6: 0, level = 3 hd of node with value 7: 2, level = 3 hd of node with value 8: -3, level = 4 hd of node with value 9: -1, level = 4 hd of node with value 10: -1, level = 4 hd of node with value 11: 1, level = 4 hd of node with value 12: -1, level = 4 hd of node with value 13: 1, level = 4 hd of node with value 14: 1, level = 4 hd of node with value 15: 3, level = 4 So, the output will be: hd = -3, print 8 hd = -2, print 4 hd = -1, print 9 10 12 hd = 0, print 5 6 hd = 1, print 11 13 14 hd = 2, print 7 hd = 3, print 15 So the ouput will be: 8 4 9 10 12 5 6 11 13 14 7 15
I already know a method in which I can do it using a lot of extra space (a map, and a 1-D array for storing the level of the last element in that vertical line) and with time complexity of $O(N \log N)$. And this is the implementation of this method:
void printBottom(Node *node, int level, int hd, int min, map< int, vector<int> >& visited, int lev[], int l) { if(node == NULL) return; if(level == 1){ if(lev[hd-min] == 0 || lev[hd-min] == l){ lev[hd-min] = l; visited[hd-min].push_back(node->data); } } else if(level > 1) { printBottom(node->left, level-1, hd-1, min, visited, lev, l); printBottom(node->right, level-1, hd+1, min, visited, lev, l); } } int main() { find the minimum and maximum values for hd via DFS int lev[max-min+1]; //lev[hd] contains the maximum level for which we have found nodes with this value of hd; initialized with 0's map < int, vector<int> > visited; //the nodes in the bottom view int h = height(root); for (int i=h; i>0; i--){ printBottom(root, i, 0, min, visited, lev, i); } output visited }
I am seeking help to do this in more optimized way, which used less space or time. Is there any other efficient method for this problem?
Asked By : shalki
Answered By : FrankW
First, you can get the time complexity down to ${\cal O}(n)$, while keeping the same space complexity. You can do this by filling visited
in a single run of printBottom
void printBottom(Node *node, int level, int hd, int min, map< int, vector<int> >& visited, int lev[]) { if(node == NULL) return; if(lev[hd-min] < level){ lev[hd-min] = level; visited[hd-min] = new vector<int>; //erase old values, they are hidden by the current node } if(lev[hd-min] <= level){ visited[hd-min].push_back(node->data); } printBottom(node->left, level+1, hd-1, min, visited, lev); printBottom(node->right, level+1, hd+1, min, visited, lev); }
with the initial call printBottom(root, 1, 0, min, visited, lev);
If you insist on the nodes beig output in order of increasing value of hd
, I don't think you can improve space consumption. However, if you allow a different order of output, you can get rid of visited
, by first determining for each value of 'hd', which level should be output and then making another pass, printing the values that match:
void fillLev(Node *node, int level, int hd, int min, int lev[]) { if(node == NULL) return; if(lev[hd-min] < level){ lev[hd-min] = level; } fillLev(node->left, level+1, hd-1, min, lev); fillLev(node->right, level+1, hd+1, min, lev); } void printBottom(Node *node, int level, int hd, int min, int lev[]) { if(node == NULL) return; if(lev[hd-min] == level){ cout << node->data; } printBottom(node->left, level+1, hd-1, min, lev); printBottom(node->right, level+1, hd+1, min, lev); }
with calls fillLev(root, 1, 0, min, lev);
and printBottom(root, 1, 0, min, lev);
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