Is it required that a NP-hard problem must be computable?
I don't think so, but I am not sure.
Asked By : Kevin Meier
Answered By : jmite
No, an $NP$-hard problem need not be computable. The definition is fairly complete: a problem $L$ is $NP$-hard if that problem having a poly-time solution implies every problem in $NP$ has a poly-time solution (that is, a reduction to $L$ exists for every problem in $NP$.).
Uncomputable problems are then vacuously hard: suppose we could solve one in polynomial time. Then we use the proof that it's uncomputable to derive that it's both computable and uncomputable, a contradiction. From this falsehood, we can derive anything, namely that there is a polynomial time algorithm for whatever $NP$ problem we are looking at.
For example, consider the halting problem $H$. We can reduce any $NP$ language $A$ to $H$ as follows, assuming we have a polytime checker $f(s,c)$ which checks if $c$ is a certificate for $s\in A$:
- Given input $s$
- Construct (but don't run) Turing Machine $M$ which takes input $x$ tries every certificate $c$ and halts if $c$ is a certificate verifying that $s\in A$.
- Return $H(M,x)$ (that is, return true iff $M$ halts on input $x$)
Thus, with a single call to a poly-time algorithm solving the Halting Problem, we can solve any $NP$ problem in polynomial time.
Such a reduction is not useful, because all it does is tells if "if false then something". We already know that there's no polytime algorithm for uncomputable problems.
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