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How to prove that problem is not in P

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Given some abstract problem how can I prove that this problem is not in P. I mean, what is the method for proving such thesis?

Asked By : Ari

Answered By : Yuval Filmus

The most common technique is to prove that the problem is hard for some class. For example, consider the problem HALT in which we are given a Turing machine $T$ and a number $n$ (encoded in binary, i.e., in the usual way), and the task is to decide whether $T$ halts within $n$ steps. HALT is EXPTIME-hard. If HALT were in P then P=EXPTIME (using the EXPTIME-hardness of HALT), which contradicts the time hierarchy theorem. We conclude that HALT is not in P.

Consider now a different problem, REGEXP-INT, in which given a list of regular expressions, we have to decide whether their intersection is empty. This problem is coPSPACE-hard, and so if it were in P, then P=PSPACE. While we don't know for sure that P is different from PSPACE, this is widely conjectured (and follows from P$\neq$NP), and assuming that, we conclude that REGEXP-INT is not in P. We call this a conditional result. Similarly, SAT is NP-hard, and so unless P=NP, SAT is not in P.

The unconditional results invariably use one of the hierarchy theorems, and so eventually, diagonalization. This technique itself cannot separate P from NP, due to the so-called "relativization" barrier (though non-black-box diagonalization still stands a chance).

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