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Array-like immutable (persistent) data structure implementation with fast indexing, append, prepend, iteration

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I'm looking for a persistent data structure similar to array (but immutable), allowing for fast indexing, append, prepend, and iteration (good locality) operations.

Clojure provides persistent Vector, but it's only for fast append. Scala's Vector has effectively constant-time append and prepend, but I can't get how it's implemented, since it's based on same data structure (bit-mapped vector trie) as Clojure vector, and, as I understand, bit-mapped vector trie can't have fast prepend without some tricks.

I'm interested not in ready to use implementation but in a description of how to implement such a data structure myself.

Asked By : Tvaroh

Answered By : D.W.

The obvious candidate is a persistent balanced binary tree. All the operations you listed can be performed in $O(1)$ or $O(\lg n)$ time, using path copying. For more details on how to achieve this runtime, see Chris Okasaki's book referenced below or my answer here.

Of course, as an variant, each leaf of such a tree could itself contain an immutable array (a sequence of consecutive values). This makes updating a value less efficient, but it might work well for your situation, if you never intend to modify an existing value, just append and prepend. In this way, your vector is represented as a sequence of immutable sequences, represented as a balanced binary tree with immutable arrays in the leaves. This allows for fast indexing (logarithmic in the number of leaves), fast append and prepend, and fast iteration. The worst-case asymptotic complexity is no better, but the performance in practice might be significantly better.

The standard reference is Chris Okasaki's 1998 book "Purely functional data structures".
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