In my first lecture of "Theory of Automata", after giving some concepts of Alphabet, Language, transition function etc. and a couple of simple automata of an electric circuit with one and two switches, is this question.
I understand what an Alphabet as well as the Language of a DFA is, but are there any rules or steps to followed to reach a correct automaton for a given Language? Or we just have to imagine and think in our mind and get to a solution which satisfies the given Language?
Note:- Please keep your language as simple as you can, since this is my first lecture and I am not yet aware of concepts like regular expressions or any other thing in the subject for that matter.
Asked By : Solace
Answered By : gon1332
Yes, there are procedures that help you draw a DFA.
One of them is to draw first an NFA (Non deterministic finite automaton), if we cannot draw instantly a DFA. We humans cannot with ease draw a DFA, especially for a complex language as you've seen. So we draw a NFA which is closer to our understanding. Then, rules are applied on the NFA in order to transform it into DFA. You will see that later on class.
Generally, in order to draw a NFA maybe we will use (only) a bit our imagination. With a given language, we firstly have to understand what is doing and after that we can start drawing pieces of the puzzle.
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