The question is in the title, I suppose. I am studying complexity classes, and I understand that NP-Hard is the set of problems that are at least as hard as the hardest problems in NP. Therefore, it will naturally contain PSPACE problems.
However, I was specifically wondering if there were any PSPACE problems that were not in NP-Hard? (from my understanding, implying that they are easier than the hardest problems in NP).
Asked By : huntaub
Answered By : Yuval Filmus
Assuming we use polytime reductions in both, all PSPACE-hard problems are NP-hard, which follows directly from the definition and from the easy fact NP$\subseteq$PSPACE: a languages $L$ is PSPACE-hard if all languages in PSPACE polytime-reduce to $L$. If $L$ is PSPACE-hard then in particular, all languages in NP polytime-reduce to $L$, and so $L$ is also NP-hard.
On the other hand, there are problems in PSPACE which are not NP-hard, for example $\emptyset$ and $\Sigma^*$. If P=NP then all other problems in PSPACE are NP-hard, since every non-trivial language (a language different from $\emptyset,\Sigma^*$) is NP-hard in this case. If P$\neq$NP then every problem in P also belongs to PSPACE and is not NP-hard.
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