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Algorithm to find all 2-hop neighbors lists in a graph

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Given a graph $G = (V,E)$, where $|V| = n$. What is a fast algorithm for generating the collection of all 2-hop neighborhood lists of all nodes in $V$.

Naively, you can do that in $O(n^3)$. With power of matrices, you can do that with $O(n^{2.8})$ using Strassen algorithm. You can do better than this using another matrix multiplication algorithm. Any better method ? Any Las Vegas algorithm ?

Asked By : AJed

Answered By : Jernej

The question really depends on what is the precise definition of a 2-hop. If by a 2-hop you mean the set $$hp(v) = \{ u \mid \mbox{there is a path of length 2 between u and v}\},$$ then the current answer is no, you cannot do it faster than $O(n^{\omega})$ where $\omega$ is the usual constant associated with the complexity of performing the matrix product.

Why? For every vertex $v$ check if $v$ is adjacent to vertex in $hp(v).$ If this is the case then you have found a triangle in your graph. Moreover the graph is triangle free if you do not find a vertex $v$ with this property.

The currently best known algorithm for testing if a graph is triangle-free has time complexity $O(n^{\omega}).$

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