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[Solved]: Why should we study all the three forms of representation of finite automata?

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DFA, NFA and epsilon NFA all the three allow us to represent a particular regular language. With any of those representations we can arrive to the same regular expression, then why do we need to study all the three form of representation of finite automata? There can some explanation on what NFA can do which DFA cannot , that is NFA might help us in designing uncertainties. For example in designing a game (chess), we have many options to move a particular piece from a particular location which can be easily represented using NFA. But what is the use of epsilon NFA when the same can done using NFA or DFA?

Asked By : Bharat Banavalikar

Answered By : Anvita Bhat

DFAs has a easier implementation than NFA since their next state is determined by a function and NFAs help a user to easily express what they want as an output, because the NFA can choose between multiple paths. and epsilon-NFA is an extension of NFA where transitions can be done without taking any input symbols.

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