I'm reading CLRS Section 33.4 Finding the closest pair of points
. At exercise 33.4-2
they say
Show that it actually suffices to check only the points in the 5 array positions following each point in the array Y'
But I'm getting 4 array positions following each point in the array Y' will be suffice to check. See the fig below
Which possibility I'm missing. Can anybody point it out.
Asked By : Atinesh
Answered By : shawkins
Assume that a point exists in every corner in the figure (including the inside corners). If points cannot overlap, then you have 6 points that can reside in the x2 box, and since you must be looking at one of them, you need only compare it to the next 5 in Y'.
Best Answer from StackOverflow
Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/47697
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