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[Solved]: How do you describe a language that is generated by Context Free Grammer

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I am familiar with describing Regular Expressions but when it comes to describing CFG I get confused. Do you describe it in words like you would regular expressions or do you do something like this ?

this is the CFG I am trying to describe

S -> SS  S -> XXX  X -> aX| Xa| b 

I was thinking something like this

S-> SS   ->XXXS   ->aXXXs   ->abXXS   ->abXXS   ->abXAXS   ->abbaXS   ->abbabS   ->abbabS   ->abbabXXX   ->abbabbXX   ->abbabbbX   ->abbabbbb   ->abbabbbb 
Asked By : Dana

Answered By : Yuval Filmus

Hint: How many $b$s are there in each word generated by this grammar?

Guidance: What is the language generated by $X$? What is the language generated by $XXX$? What is the language generated by $S$?

Best Answer from StackOverflow

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