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[Solved]: How can I analyze the time complexity of this Dynamic Time Warping algorithm implemented in MATLAB?

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I have a rough idea that the time complexity is O(mn) where m and n are based on the length of signals, as per this

How can I determine the time complexity of the following code (source)

function [Dist,D,k,w,rw,tw]=dtw3(t,r) % % [Dist,D,k,w,rw,tw]=dtw(r,t,pflag) % % Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm % Dist is unnormalized distance between t and r % D is the accumulated distance matrix % k is the normalizing factor % w is the optimal path % t is the vector you are testing against % r is the vector you are testing % rw is the warped r vector % tw is the warped t vector   [row,M]=size(r);  if (row > M)       M=row;       r=r';  end; [row,N]=size(t);  if (row > N)       N=row;       t=t';  end;   d=((repmat(r',1,N)-repmat(t,M,1)).^2);  D=zeros(size(d)); D(1,1)=d(1,1);  for m=2:M     D(m,1)=d(m,1)+D(m-1,1); end for n=2:N     D(1,n)=d(1,n)+D(1,n-1); end for m=2:M     for n=2:N         D(m,n)=d(m,n)+min(D(m-1,n),min(D(m-1,n-1),D(m,n-1)));      end end  Dist=D(M,N); n=N; m=M; k=1; w=[M N]; while ((n+m)~=2)     if (n-1)==0         m=m-1;     elseif (m-1)==0         n=n-1;     else        [values,number]=min([D(m-1,n),D(m,n-1),D(m-1,n-1)]);       switch number       case 1         m=m-1;       case 2         n=n-1;       case 3         m=m-1;         n=n-1;       end     end     k=k+1;     w=[m n; w];  end  % warped waves rw=r(w(:,1)); tw=t(w(:,2)); end 
Asked By : sj22

Answered By : Aaron

Look at the main double for loop that does all the work. It loops for m from 2 to M and then inside that for n from 2 to N. This is O(MN) like you expected.

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