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[Solved]: Find 8 numbers whose sum is closest to a defined value

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I have a file that has a number (a positive integer) on each row.

Given a number $q$, I want to find a value that's a sum of some 8 numbers in the file, and is as close to $q$ as possible.

So, supposing that I have a file that looks like this:


If the given number is 526 I would like to get a solution like: 3+2+6+7+34+12+48+413 = 525. So those are the 8 numbers that best fit our condition.

Is there an efficient algorithm with a low complexity?

The file can have >1000 rows and the numbers won't be bigger than 10k.

Asked By : Dex

Answered By : D.W.

Dynamic programming

One approach is to use dynamic programming. If you have $n$ numbers ($n$ rows in the file), and each number is in the range $1..m$, then the obvious dynamic programming algorithm has running time about $8mn$. For your parameter size, this might be adequate.

In particular, let $A[1..n]$ be an array of your $n$ numbers. Define $T[x,i,j] = 1$ if there is a way to write $x$ as a sum of $j$ numbers from among $A[1..i]$, or 0 if not. Now we have the relation

$$T[x,i,j] = T[x,i-1,j] \lor T[x-A[i],i-1,j-1]$$

(with the convention that $T[x,i,j]$ always evaluates to 0 if $x$ is negative). Consequently, you can compute all of the $T[x,i,j]$ values iteratively. There are $8mn$ values to compute, so this takes $8mn$ time.

Once you have filled in the $T$ table, now you can answer any query quickly. Suppose you want to find the closest number to $q$ that can be written as a sum of 8 numbers. Then you should scan $T[q,n,8]$, $T[q+1,n,8]$, $T[q-1,n,8]$, $T[q+2,n,8]$, $T[q-2,n,8]$, etc., until you find the first entry that is one. This takes at most $m$ iterations.

In total, the running time is $O(mn)$, where the constant hidden by the big-O notation is small. The space required is $O(mn)$ as well, but this can be reduced to $O(m)$ if you fill in the $T$ table in the right order and discard entries once they are no longer needed.

Two-way merge

There's an alternative algorithm that will probably be significantly faster for your specific problem. The basic idea is to first find an algorithm that works for sums of 2 numbers, then apply that repeatedly.

Let $S$ be a set of numbers. Define $S \bowtie S$ to be the set

$$S \bowtie S = \{s+t : s, t \in T\}.$$

In other words, $S \bowtie S$ is the set of all possible sums of two values from $S$. In our case, we're going to represent $S$ as a sorted list of numbers.

It turns out you can compute $S \bowtie S$ from $S$, using a FFT-based convolution procedure. Let $N$ be the smallest power of two that is larger than $2m$. Define a $N$-vector $v$ whose $i$th coordinate is 1 if $i\in S$, or 0 otherwise. Compute $v \otimes v$, the convolution of $v$ with itself. It turns out that $v \otimes v$ is the $N$-vector for $S \bowtie S$, so you can recover $S \bowtie S$ from $v \otimes v$. Also, you can compute the convolution $v \otimes v$ using a discrete FFT over the $N$th complex roots of unity: you take the FFT of $v$, square every entry, then take the inverse FFT. The running time of the FFT is $O(N \lg N)$. Since $N=O(m)$, it follows that the running time of this procedure is $O(m \lg m)$.

Now we repeat this recursively three times. In other words, we let $S = $ the set of numbers in the original file, compute $T = S \bowtie S$ (the set of 2-way sums), compute $U = T \bowtie T$ (the set of 4-way sums), and then compute $V = U \bowtie U$ (the set of 8-way sums). This gives us the set of all numbers that can be represented as a 8-way sum.

If you like, a more elegant way to compute the set of 8-way sums is as follows: let $N$ be the smallest power of two that is larger than $8m$, form a $N$-vector $v$ where $v_i=1$ if and only if $i$ is part of the original file, take the discrete FFT of $v$ (over $N$th complex roots of unity), raise each entry to the 8th power, then take the inverse FFT. This gives you a $N$-vector that has a 1 in its $i$th coordinate if and only if $i$ is an attainable 8-way sum.

Finally, given a query $q$, we can quickly look it up in $V$ (using binary search, say) and find the nearest number to $q$ that's in $V$.

The total running time will be $O(m \lg m)$, and the total space will be $O(m)$. For your parameter settings, this should be extremely fast, given that $m$ is no larger than 10,000. However, the implementation complexity is much higher, since you need to implement a FFT, worry about round-off error and precision for complex numbers, and so on.

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