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[Solved]: Direction of restriction for NP hard proves

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I have a very silly question, as I am reading through all the proofs showing a problem is NP hard, one of the techniques is by showing an already-proven NP complete problem is a special case for that problem.

I am wondering shouldn't that be another way around? I mean if you show your problem is a special case of a NP-complete problem, then you showed it is NP complete as well? I know this logic is wrong but why?

What is the advantage and disadvantage of this technique.

Comment: this question actually contents the answer for why we need to reduce a problem to a NP hard problem to prove its NP hardness.

Asked By : RandomStudent

Answered By : Ricky Demer

The technique your top paragraph shows NP-hardness. The technique in your next paragraph shows membership in NP.

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