I am working on a problem where I am supposed to count the number of arrays of size $N\times M$ where the sum of elements in the $i$-th row is greater than or equal to the the sum of elements in the $(i-1)$-th row. And the the sum of elements in $N$-th row (the last row) is less than or equal to $M$. All the elements are non negative integers.
For example, $N=2, M=2$ there are 25 solutions.
The solution that I have worked out so far is that for a row to have sum less than $M$, the number of possible ways is $C(2M,M)$. But I am unable to implement the remaining constraint.
Asked By : aman
Answered By : Rick Decker
The case where $N=2$ is fairly easy. For $M\ge N$ we'll have an array $$\begin{array}{ccccc} a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & a_{1,3} &\dotsm & a_{1,M}\\ a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & a_{2,3} &\dotsm & a_{2,M}\\ a_{3,1} & a_{3,2} & a_{3,3} &\dotsm & a_{3,M}\\ &\dotsm & & & \\ a_{N,1} & a_{N,2} & a_{N,3} &\dotsm & a_{N,M}\\ \end{array}$$ Define $t(k,M)$ to be the number of integer solutions of $x_1+x_2+\dotsm+x_m=k$ with all $x_i\ge 0$. The stars and bars theorem tells us that $$ t(k,M)=\binom{M-1+k}{M-1} $$ Then if we let $C(N,M)$ denote the number of solutions to the original problem, it's not hard to see that for $N=2$, $$\begin{align} C(2,M) &= \sum_{i=0}^M\left[t(i,M)\sum_{j=0}^it(j,M)\right]\\ &= \sum_{i=0}^M\binom{M-1+i}{M-1}\sum_{j=0}^i\binom{M-1+j}{M-1}\\ &= \sum_{i=0}^M\binom{M-1+i}{M-1}\left[\binom{M-1}{M-1}+\binom{M}{M-1}+\dotsm+\binom{M-1+i}{M-1}\right]\\ &= \sum_{i=0}^M\binom{M-1+i}{M-1}\binom{M+i}{M} \end{align}$$ The last step above uses a fairly well-known result on the sum of a column of Pascal's triangle. So finally we'll have $$ C(2,M) =\binom{M-1}{M-1}\binom{M}{M}+\binom{M}{M-1}\binom{M+1}{M}+\dotsm+\binom{2M-1}{M-1}\binom{2M}{M} $$ For $N=M=2$ we have $C(2,2)=1+6+18=25$, which agrees with your example.
Added yet again. For a (not particularly useful) general form, it's not hard to see that $$ C(N,M)=\sum_{0\le i_1\le i_2\le\dotsm i_N\le M} t(i_1,M)t(i_2,M)\dotsm t(i_N,M) $$ In this expression, each of the $i_k$ represents the possible sum of the $k$-th row.
I asked on Math.SE whether the expression for $C(2,M)$ had a closed form and the consensus was that it didn't (although it can be expressed as a hypergeometric series, for what that's worth).
Best Answer from StackOverflow
Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/43404
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