I'm trying to backfill missing CS knowledge and going through the MIT 6.006 course.
It asks me to rank functions by asymptotic complexity and I want to understand how they should be reduced rather than just guessing. The question is to reduce this to big-O notation, then rank it:
$$f(n) = n \cdot \sqrt{n}$$
I see in this answer that $\sqrt{n} \gt \log{n}$
I don't understand how to think about the complexity of $\sqrt{n}$.
What is the complexity class of $\sqrt{n}$?
What is the relationship between $\sqrt{n}$ and $\log{n}$?
Asked By : SimplGy
Answered By : Mario Cervera
$\sqrt{n}$ belongs to the class of sublinear polynomials since $\sqrt{n}=n^{1/2}$.
From Wikipedia (beware of the difference between Little-o and Big-O notations):
An algorithm is said to run in sublinear time if $T(n) = o(n)$
Note that constant factors do matter when they are part of the exponent; therefore, we can consider $O(n^{1/2})$ to be different from (and less than) $O(n)$.
With respect to the relationship between $log(n)$ and $\sqrt{n}$, you can find here a discussion about why $\log(n) = O(\sqrt{n})$.
Best Answer from StackOverflow
Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/63181
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