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Put the verbs in the correct tense and form. Jaya: If Nikhil got more pocket money, he would waste(waste) it all on stupid things.

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Put the verbs in the correct tense and form.
Jaya: If Nikhil got more pocket money, he would waste(waste) it all on 
stupid things. 
Nikhil: That isn’t true. If I had more money, I ………(spend) it on a guitar. 
Vijay: If I …………(win) a lottery, I would buy a racing bicycle. 

Nikhil: I ……..(not buy) a racing bicycle, if I wereyou. They’re much too 
Jaya: If I had more money, I ………..(save) it for a trip to England. 
If I …….(have) a lot of money, I ……..(buy) a motorbike. 
Vijay: I …………..(not buy) a motor bike if I ………(be)you. You wouldn’t 
get a license to ride it. 
If I didn’t have to go to school, I ……….(have) got a job. 
Vijay: The only job you would get if you ………..(notgo) to school is 

washing dishes in a dhaba. And you don’t like washing dishes. 


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