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[Solved]: Algorithm Request: "Shortest non-existing substring over given alphabet"

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Problem Detail: 

I'm looking for an (efficient) algorithm to solve the following problem:

Given a string $S$ and a set of characters $M$, find the shortest string composed only of characters in $M$ that is not contained in $S$.

Try as I might, I can't seem to map this problem to any of the standard CS string problems.

Asked By : user232362636

Answered By : babou

Here is the clean presentation (after going in circles around it).

First you consider all substrings of S that are in M*. From that you build a trie, which may be understood as a tree structured FA that recognizes these substrings. You build it so that you complete first the transitions of nodes that are closest to the root. As soon as you have a node from which there is no arc for a given character in M, you have your answer which is the string associated with that node concatenated with the missing character. Complexity is $O(n^2)$ where $n$ is the length of the string S, because that is the maximum number of characters you may have to consider while building the trie.

Note regarding complexity: In the trie construction you have to consider only the longest substring in $M^*$ starting at each position in $S$, since shorter ones are automatically taken care of. Each state thus created is an accepting state recognizing one substring. There are at most $n$ substrings in $M^*$, each having at most $n$ characters. Each is considered in constant time.

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