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IGBooks is a publishing company which publishes andsells its books through a network of resellers.

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Question 1  (35Marks)
IGBooks is a publishing company which publishes andsells its books through
a network of resellers. The company has a website that provides the list of
published books and the list of reseller who has the stock of the books. The
books can also be sold online and despatched to theaddress of registered
buyers. The website provides all the details of thebooks including authors,
abstract, price, availability etc. Create a web site for this company having the
following features:
For the sake of consistency every page of the website should consists of four
basic divisions –
Top –   This division should be of fixed size and should display publisher
name and logo. This division should be in differentbackground
colour. This division should be at the top of everypage.
Bottom - This division contains the name of maintenance agency of the
website and copyright information. This division should be at the
bottom of every page.
Info - The pages that you are designing should differ in this Division
only. The five different pages that you need to design are - Home,
Books, Purchase, Status of purchase and Feedback.
Links - This division should be towards the left in every web page and
should contain links to all the five web pages viz.Home, Books,
Purchase, Status of purchase and Feedback.
The Info division of the five different pages should be as under:
•  Homepage should include Welcome message, the most popular books,
most popular author etc.
•  Books  page shows the Category-wise list of various Books,their authors,
abstract of the book and price of the book. This list should be displayed
using table.
•  Purchase  page should show a HTML form that should ask for username
and password. You may use JavaScript to verify thatusername and
password are BCAMCA and TestPwd.
•  Status of purchase page should display the list of all the past onlineorders
that has been received by the publishers. This information should be
displayed for at least two books.
•  Feedback page should contain a form which should have fields- name, last
book purchased, contact email, feedback on the book. You must use
JavaScript to check that all the fields are filled  by the person giving the


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