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[Solved]: How to write CFG for languages

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Problem Detail: 

How do you write the CFG for the following language:

{ax by c ax+y}

Is there some formula or rules I need to follow? An explanation will be so appreciated.

What I tried is:

First I broke ax+y into axay which gives:

{ax by c axay}


S ---> aSa | B
B ---> bB | c

The problem I am facing now is how to include ay.

Asked By : Youssef

Answered By : InformedA

As per advice from others:

Rewrite into $a^xb^yca^ya^x$.

Now it is easy to see the nested structure (or symmetry in the exponent)

So we will have

  • $S_1 \rightarrow a S_1 a$ $|$ $S_2$
  • $S_2 \rightarrow b S_2 a$ $|$ $c$
Best Answer from StackOverflow

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