The algorithm (from here) -
Create a set S of remaining possibilities (at this point there are 1296). The first guess is aabb.
Remove all possibilities from S that would not give the same score of colored and white pegs if they were the answer.
For each possible guess (not necessarily in S) calculate how many possibilities from S would be eliminated for each possible colored/white score. The score of the guess is the least of such values. Play the guess with the highest score (minimax).
Go back to step 2 until you have got it right.
I confused about the 3nd step -
what is mean -
how many possibilities from S would be eliminated for each possible colored/white score
what is the "correct answer" and the "guess" here ?
Can someone clear it some more ?
Asked By : URL87
Answered By : D.W.
The text you quoted seems clear as it is. But I'll try to elaborate on step 3, since you asked:
Let $S$ denote the set of possible secrets (given responses to moves you've made so far). Given a candidate guess $g$, you run over all possibilities $s \in S$ and calculate the response that you'd get if you guessed $g$ and the secret was $s$ (the number of black pegs and the number of white pegs); this is "the colored/white score". Now, for each colored/white score that could be received, if you were to get that score, you could eliminate some possibilities from $S$ as incompatible with that colored/white score; the "goodness" of a colored/white score is the number of possibilities eliminated. The "helpfulness" of a candidate guess $g$ is the minimum of the "goodness" of all the colored/white scores you could possibly get, in response to $g$. Select the guess $g$ with highest "helpfulness".
In other words, let $R(g,s)$ denote the number of black pegs and number of white pegs you'd get if the secret were $s$ and you guessed $g$ (this is what your quote calls the "colored/white score"). Let $Z(g) = \{R(g,s) : s\in S\}$, so that $Z(g)$ denotes the set of "colored/white scores" you could possibly get if you made guess $g$ (given that the secret $s$ has to be one of the possibilities in $S$). Now, if you have a "colored/white score" $z$ where $z \in Z(g)$, let
$$G(g,z) = |\{ s \in S : R(g,s) \ne z\}|,$$
so that $G(g,z)$ is the "goodness" of getting a "colored/white score" $z$ in response to guess $g$. Also, let
$$H(g) = \min \{G(g,z) : z \in Z(g)\},$$
so that $H(g)$ denotes the "helpfulness" of a candidate guess $g$.
Now step 3 says: you should play the guess $g$ that maximizes $H(g)$.
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