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Good explanatory resource for algorithm techniques such as greedy, backtracking and recursive functions

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What would be a good book/resource that explains the basic idea behind those techniques, how to use (and maybe when to use them) and plenty of exercises with perhaps some worked examples (kind of like when for loops were introduced for the first time you were asked to use one to compute sums of odd numbers, even numbers etc.) ?

If the explanation is both formal and "plain" (for dummies style explanation) that would be great. Thanks!

Asked By : andreas.vitikan

Answered By : Ambidextrous

The Coursera course on Algorithms running currently suggests four books:

  • CLRS - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Introdution to Algorithms (3rd edition)
  • DPV - Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani, Algorithms
  • KT - Kleinberg and Tardos, Algorithm Design
  • SW - Sedgewick and Wayne, Algorithms (4th edition)

Sedgewick and Wayne is apparently very implementation-oriented, with tons of Java examples as well as testing metrics and lots of models. I haven't checked it out myself, but I will be.

Another great book is the Algorithms Design Manual by Skiena, apparently also very programmer-friendly.

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