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For which value of n are these graph regular ?(a) Kn (b) Cn (c) Wn (d) Qn

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

3. For which value of n are these graph regular ?(a) Kn (b) Cn (c) Wn (d) QnMCS033 Solved Assignment, Ignou MCA Solved AssignmentNote: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solutio ...


For which value of n are these graph regular ?(a) Kn (b) Cn (c) Wn (d) Qn

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

3. For which value of n are these graph regular ? (a) Kn (b) Cn (c) Wn (d) Qn MCS033 Solved Assignment, Ignou MCA Solved Assignment Note: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solution. ...


Draw these graphs(i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Draw these graphs(i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6Note: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solutio ...


Draw these graphs(i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Draw these graphs (i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6 Note: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solution. ...


Find the order and degree of the following recurrence relation. Also, determine whether they are homogeneous or non-homogeneous. Constant coefficient and non constant coefficient.

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

(i) an = nan-1 + n2 an-2 + an-1 an-2(ii) an = 5 an-1 + n3 (iii) an = C an/m + b (iv) an = nan-1 + n2an-2 + an-1 an-2 (v) an = C1 an-1 + C2 an-2+ ….. Cn-k an-kNote: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solution. Than ...


Find the order and degree of the following recurrence relation. Also, determine whether they are homogeneous or non-homogeneous. Constant coefficient and non constant coefficient.

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

(i) an = nan-1 + n2 an-2 + an-1 an-2 (ii) an = 5 an-1 + n3 (iii) an = C an/m + b (iv) an = nan-1 + n2an-2 + an-1 an-2 (v) an = C1 an-1 + C2 an-2+ ….. Cn-k an-k Note: These solution based on my analysis, if you find any issue or incorrect solution then please post your comments below, I will moderate the solution. Thanks ...


ER diagram of Cab Booking Application

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

ER diagram of Cab Management System, Cab Booking System or Cab Mobile Application ...


ER diagram of Cab Booking Application

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

ER diagram of Cab Management System, Cab Booking System or Cab Mobile Application ...


Cab Management System SRS

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

IntroductionCab booking service is a major transport service provided by the various transport operators in a particular city. Mostly peoples use cab service for their daily transportation's need. The company must be a registered and fulfills all the requirements and security standards set by the transport department.In a nutshell your Taxi Booking Software should be able to:o Provide the ...


Cab Management System SRS

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Introduction Cab booking service is a major transport service provided by the various transport operators in a particular city. Mostly peoples use cab service for their daily transportation's need. The company must be a registered and fulfills all the requirements and security standards set by the transport department. In a nutshell your Taxi Booking Software should be able to: o ...


Scope of the Railway Reservation System > MCSL-036 LAB Course MCS-034 > Session 1

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Reservation Clerk is a person to create and Cancel Reservation by entering Login Password. Manager is a person who updates the Train Information by entering his own Password. The system can handle only reservation and train details efficiently and it doesn’t contain other details about the railway administration. The main purpose of this system is Ø  Creating reservationØ  Cancel reservationØ  View reservation statusØ  View train scheduleØ  Generating reportsØ  Update ...


Scope of the Railway Reservation System > MCSL-036 LAB Course MCS-034 > Session 1

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Reservation Clerk is a person to create and Cancel Reservation by entering Login Password. Manager is a person who updates the Train Information by entering his own Password. The system can handle only reservation and train details efficiently and it doesn’t contain other details about the railway administration. The main purpose of this system is Ø  Creating reservation Ø  Cancel reservation Ø  View reservation status Ø  View train schedule Ø  Generating reports Ø  ...


MCs013 Solved Assignment latest

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

MCS013 Solved Assignment Discrete Mathematics Updated solution ...


MCs013 Solved Assignment latest

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

MCS013 Solved Assignment Discrete Mathematics Updated solution ...


MCS033 Graph theory solution

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Draw these graphs (i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6 ...


MCS033 Graph theory solution

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Draw these graphs (i) C6, (ii) W6 (iii) Q3 (iv) K4,4 (v) K6 Download All Assignment ...


MCs033 solved assignment

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Determine whether the given graph has a Hamilton circuit. If it does, find such a circuit. If it does not, give an argument to show why no such circuit exists. What is the solution of the recurrence relationAn = an-1 + 2 an-2With a0 = 2 and a1 = 7 ...


MCs033 solved assignment

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Determine whether the given graph has a Hamilton circuit. If it does, find such a circuit. If it does not, give an argument to show why no such circuit exists. What is the solution of the recurrence relationAn = an-1 + 2 an-2With a0 = 2 and a1 = 7 Loading. ...


MCA 3rd semester MCS 033 Solved Assignment

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Part 1 Part 2 ...


MCSL036 Solved Assignments

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Ignou MCSL036 Solved AssignmentsSection ASection BSection ...


MCSL036 Solved Assignments

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Ignou MCSL036 Solved Assignments Section A Section B Section ...


''Return on investments is a single comprehensive measure that contains everything happening within the organization.''Explain this statement and illustrate its computations with imaginary figures.

posted on , by Akshay Mishra

Return on Investment (ROI) is the calculated benefit that an organization is projected to receive in return for investing money (resources) in a project within the context of the review process. The investment would be in an information system development or enhancement project. ROI information is used to assess the status of the business viability of the project at key check points throughout the project’s life-cycle.ROI may include the benefits associated with improved mission performance, reduced ...